
Will Orthodontic Treatment Damage Your Dental Crowns?

Dentist Blog

Anyone needing braces to adjust the misalignment of their teeth needs to consider any restorations that have been added to their teeth. In most cases, any restoration that doesn't affect the tooth's root won't prevent the tooth from being repositioned, and this includes work such as fillings, dental veneers, or dental crowns. But will your dental crowns really be unaffected once dental braces are bonded to them? Orthodontic Treatment With Dental Crowns

24 February 2022

Why Your Child Needs To Visit A Pediatric Dentist Regularly

Dentist Blog

One way to ensure your kid's dental needs are taken care of is to visit a pediatric dentist regularly. These professionals provide a welcoming environment specially created for children, making oral care fun. They are trained to handle kids, so they will know the tricks to use to make them relax and cooperate throughout the session.   If you have been hesitant about exposing your children to a dentist during the early years of their life, then it's time to reconsider.

13 January 2022

3 Reasons Baby Tooth Extraction May Be Needed

Dentist Blog

Baby teeth are the foundation of your child's dental health, and pediatric dentists will do everything they can to preserve baby teeth. However, in rare cases the removal of a baby tooth may be the right option for your child's health. Here is a parents' guide to three reasons baby tooth extraction may be needed. 1. Tooth Decay or Infection Pediatric dentists have extensive experience treating tooth decay in primary teeth.

30 November 2021

Dietary Changes To Promote Good Pediatric Oral Health

Dentist Blog

As a parent, keeping your kids' teeth healthy can seem like a full-time job. Even if they are brushing and flossing regularly, they may still develop dental cavities. Nevertheless, there are additional dietary measures that you can take to help promote good pediatric oral health. Here are a few of those measures. Swap Sodas With Water Many children enjoy the sweet fizziness of a cold soda. But sodas can damage your child's teeth.

20 October 2021

Missing Several Teeth? How They Can Be Replaced

Dentist Blog

If you are missing several teeth due to tooth decay, this can make it difficult to eat and even to talk. Fortunately, you have options to get your teeth replaced, two of which are listed below. See A Prosthodontist Before you start looking into options of having your teeth replaced you should visit a prosthodontist. This is a dentist that specializes in treating a variety of dental problems. This includes replacing missing teeth, as well as any other teeth you have that may be damaged.

13 September 2021

A Peg-Shaped Tooth: Causes And Solutions

Dentist Blog

It's impossible for two people to have identical sets of teeth, and your teeth are like your fingerprints in that respect. Your smile, flaws and all, is entirely yours. Some people embrace these flaws, making them almost a signature look, since the issue may not affect the functionality of their teeth. Other flaws may not be quite so pleasing and can affect the normal function of the teeth. This might apply to you if one of your teeth is shaped like a peg.

30 July 2021

Getting Fitted With Dentures? Understanding Relines

Dentist Blog

If you have just been fitted with dentures recently, you may be still learning about the care and maintenance you need to do to extend their lifespan. However, even if you take good care of your dentures, you may be surprised to learn that they'll need repairs called relines after a few years of use. Read on to learn more about relines, why they're necessary, and what the procedure entails.

22 June 2021

Four Signs You Need To Get Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

In addition to diminishing your appearance, missing teeth can also result in several health issues. For instance, missing teeth provide bacteria with sufficient access to your gums to cause an infection. However, most people don't see the necessity to get a dental implant, especially if the missing teeth are not an issue to their self-confidence. However, a dental implant can help solve several dental issues in addition to restoring your self-confidence.

11 May 2021

Top 4 Benefits Of Having A Family Dentist

Dentist Blog

One of the best things you can do for your kids is to ensure they're in good health. And, of course, this includes good dental health. Start by teaching them proper oral hygiene practices such as flossing and regular brushing. This can protect them from many dental health issues as they grow.  Unfortunately, both children and adults can develop dental health issues that are beyond their control. Think of an accident that causes tooth loss or teeth discoloration from consuming too much coffee.

27 March 2021

Why Are You Getting Cavities If You Watch Your Sugar Intake?

Dentist Blog

Oral bacteria like to consume sugars. After consuming sugars, oral bacteria produce acidic byproducts which are responsible for cavities. While you may already know that you can reduce your risk of cavities by limiting your sugar intake, you may be wondering if there are other ways you can develop cavities. Here are a few reasons why you could develop cavities even with a good diet. Your Family is Passing on Bacterial Strains

11 February 2021